About Us
Jesse Camplin
Owner & Operator
Jesse has always had an affinity for trees, plants and the natural world. At a very young age he began climbing trees in his neighbourhood for fun—much to his parents’ dismay—and has now been climbing professionally (and much more safely) for over 15 years. With a wealth of knowledge and experience under his belt, and a growing concern over the health of our environment, Jesse founded Canopy Tree Care and has made it his goal to be as eco-friendly as possible.
Jesse’s credentials include:
- Honours graduate of the Humber College Urban Arboriculture program
- ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) Certified Arborist (ON-2457A)
- ISA Professional Member and ISA Ontario Chapter Membership (CSID: 210878)
- ISHA Line Clearing and Safety Awareness Certificate
- Certified Crane and Sling Operator
- WHMIS Ministry of Labour and ESAO Program
- Current First Aid & CPR

Our Green Initiatives
Our tools are carefully selected to decrease both air and noise pollution, keeping things quiet, safe, affordable AND green. These tools include: Stihl lithium-ion battery powered equipment; recycled, biodegradable oils; and batteries charged by solar power. Plus we work without the use of a noisy wood chipper!

Stihl Lithium-Ion Tools
Quiet, safe, and zero emissions. We use a variety of Stihl's top of the line, battery powered tools.

Solar Powered Charging
Using a solar powered generator we can charge our batteries with clean energy while we work on site.

Stihl BioPlus Bar Oil
This vegetable based lubrication is classed as a non-water pollutant and breaks down completely in the environment over a very short time.